Monday, 20 October 2008

Weekend at home

Mum's birthday this weekend, so off home we went. In the past month, we've all four moved out, so Mum and Dad are on their own. I'm not sure they've noticed yet, but I imagine it will hit soon enough. I saw Sister 1's new house: it's beautiful - well-situated, spacious and very, very cheap. I'm jealous! Talking to her partner, I found a connection with the stories of various slightly strange authors. I've recommended Russell Hoban to him, so we'll see how he manages with that.

I'm house-sitting next weekend, as my parents go off on a half-term trip. I'm really looking forward to the space. Hopefully it will focus the mind, so that I can *finally* finish the chapter I'm working on. I think if I don't submit something to my supervisor (who I haven't seen for about 12 months) soon, I may find it difficult to complete. I'm aware that I now have less than 12 months to go (especially in terms of funding), and I'm feeling the pressure. I've found it very difficult to commit to this project; there are periods of intense frustration and dispiritedness, barely balanced by the short bursts of motivation and excitement. Funnily enough, the hardest thing at the moment is just to write. I can stare at the computer screen for hours and barely write a few hundred words. Given that I'm working in the humanities, I really should be able to manage more than this!

Obviously one of the biggest distractions is the Internet!! Unfortunately, it's also becoming one of the most important tools I have. I'd much rather be writing for fun. I keep reading stories and wishing I were writing creatively. I do try to see the PhD as creative writing of a certain genre, but it feels so much more methodical (and so much less relevant...). I've just received a box set of Roald Dahl novels. I'd been reading the short stories and had a sudden hankering after some of the first stories I remember. I was especially pleased to read "Matilda" again after so many years. It's as good as I remember! I look forward to working my way through the rest.

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